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A member registered Nov 17, 2018

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Great concept! The dash feels nice and snappy, but projectiles are really annoying to evade.

Soooo, my crazy theory is that Reginald is kind of meta-aware - considering how he comments on experiencing things many times over, the way he always conveniently shows up just at the right time and that he understands Mary with her mouth taped (or not Mary, but the player directly??), I'm thinking that he somehow knows different routes of the game and has experienced them many times. Maybe that's why he's a little insane and doesn't care about dying/killing people. 

But that doesn't really explain the eye/symbol thing. When you bring it up with him, he gets worried, and tells Mary not to think about it if she doesn't want to end up like him, so I'm guessing that... thing is what gave him the awareness/route-skipping power. But then, why does he say not to worry about it? Wasn't it Reginald who left the symbol and the note inside the manga for Mary to find? Also this force seems to have its own agenda, even working against Reginald, breaking the rope when Mary was tied up at Reginald's house. Why would it interfere? Just for fun?

Also, who the heck was in that coffin at the church? Were they buried below that gravestone with the symbols on it? How are they connected to Reginald?

So many questions, so little answers...

(1 edit)

Aaaa, I didn't expect that you'd reply so soon! :o

No, thank you for this wonderful game! It's criminal that so few people played it, you obviously put a ton of effort into it!

Oh, I understand that you wouldn't want to uncover everything, that would be boring! But at the same time I really want to see more of this world you created, you know? :s

I'd really love to see more Reggie! I know that he's no good, but he and Mary had such a good dynamic together. Could they one day meet again? :)

I really want to share my crazy theory about Reggie, but I guess I'll better do that in the endings guide, because spoilers!

Anyway, thank you again for this amazing experience, it really warmed my heart ♥

This game is just awesome! I got a little obsessed with it and got all the endings in a couple of days (thanks for the guide btw :p). The art is great, and all the characters are really interesting! Especially Reggie, even if he's a little out there :D! 

Mary is the best though, she's such a pure cinnamon roll! Because of her the game felt really... sincere, I guess? Some scenes just made you want to hug her and tell her everything will be ok. After all the danger and loss Mary went through, the true ending gave a nice sense of closure. Like everything will be alright, even if it won't be the same.

I also loved the mystery, though even after the true ending some questions were left unanswered. (I think I understand what's happening with Reggie, but other stuff in his route was really confusing)

I hope that you'll show us more of this world in your future games!